The question of the day is, does green tea burn fat? There are a number of products out there on the market that claim to do just that. However, most of them are based on little more than hype and empty promises. In fact, not too long ago, this product was actually banned in the UK due to the fact that it was being used as a laxative. Now, they have relented and allowed it to once again be sold legally.

But why does it burn fat so well? The real truth is that while you read through many of the other fat-burning products out there, green tea isn't at the top of the list by a long shot. You'll frequently see it on their ingredient list and since it's a natural extract, it only makes sense that it would have some value in aiding your weight loss efforts. So, what exactly is it all about green tea and how does it work to increase your metabolic rate? Let's take a closer look.
First, we need to take a look at how green tea works in regards to increasing your metabolism. The caffeine in it actually helps increase your body's metabolic rate. This is a good thing if you're looking into green tea burn fat. By increasing your metabolism, you will be able to burn more fat during your workouts which, in turn, will help you reach your goal much faster. If you don't have a very high metabolism, however, it may be a bit too much of a benefit for you.
Next, let's look at the way green tea can actually help you lose weight. The antioxidants are one of the things that help with this process. Antioxidants are known as "free radical fighters" and they work by destroying free radicals within your body. These are what cause damage to cells and ultimately contribute to the development of cancerous growths. By drinking several cups of green tea per day, you can boost your immune system and thus your overall health. This can also help you lose weight.
It should also be noted that green tea does not actually convert into caffeine upon consumption. Caffeine is present, but it's not converted into fat and is excreted through urine. The way caffeine affects your metabolism is by causing it to slow down. Since the slowing of metabolism results in loss of weight, your increased metabolism will help you with your weight loss efforts.
One of the antioxidants called catechins in green tea is what actually causes most of the effects of caffeine. This antioxidant goes by many names including EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate. It is typically found in dark teas and although there are a number of reports saying that the extract is useful for increasing endurance and working memory, it is not the source of the extra energy that people are using it to achieve. The reason why it is so effective at helping you burn fat is because of the catechins that it contains.
Green tea extract will prevent your body from utilizing caffeine as a fuel source. This is why it is so popular among athletes. If you want to consume the beverage without the risk of increasing your caffeine consumption, all you need to do is to either choose a supplement that contains it or just drink it black. Most people would select the supplement since that is the easiest way to get their recommended daily dosage. There are no side effects associated with consuming green color tea so anyone can consume it without worrying about whether their body is going to feel a change in how they respond.
This is one of the reasons why green tea extract is very effective in weight loss. It will boost your metabolism so you will be able to lose more fat without having to increase the intensity of your exercise routine. It is said that this type of extract also helps to lower your bad cholesterol. This is a great thing for anyone who wants to have optimal health. You can use green tea for weight loss because it is one of the most natural ways of increasing your metabolism while burning calories.
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