Is green tea really able to burn fat? The question of course is "does green tea burn fat?". There have been many claims in the past about its ability to help people lose weight. Here we'll take a look at whether this tea extract is a good weight loss aid and find out if it is really as effective at raising your metabolism as people say it is.

To understand this, you need to first understand what green tea actually is. Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. It is commonly known as either black or green tea, but the truth is that it comes in both variations. What it does differently than the other is that it contains more catechins than other kinds of herbal beverages. When you look at many of the other fat burning products available, green tea is right at the top of them.
Now, caffeine is a very big part of green tea's effectiveness at losing weight. Many people are skeptical about the role of caffeine here, simply because it is a known stimulant and can "trick" your body to release more of it. However, there are studies out there that show that caffeine does not directly cause weight loss. In fact, people who consume large amounts of caffeine have the exact same body mass indexes as people who do not consume caffeine at all. So, the theory is a bit inconclusive when it comes to weight loss.
Polyphenols, though, are a different story. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals. They have been shown in numerous studies to boost your metabolism and help in weight loss. When the body is in poor condition and unable to break down certain chemicals, it uses these antioxidants to help get these chemicals to work properly. The polyphenols found in ginseng also work in a similar manner.
Studies have shown that both ginseng and green tea extract not only increase your metabolic rate, but they also speed up fat oxidation. This means that your body breaks down fat faster and uses up more of the fatty acids for energy. Both ginseng and green tea burn fat effectively and safely. So, now you have the two most important ingredients to a good weight loss program: proper diet and exercise.
Now, when talking about diet, it is important to understand that everyone in a healthy diet does not necessarily need to take green tea extract. Caffeine is an ingredient that may be present in certain beverages, such as coffee, but generally is not needed by bodybuilders or other individuals who need their caffeine to be burned off quickly. For example, you would not want to consume caffeine while you are trying to build muscle. In this case, the best beverage to consume is water, not soda, coke or other artificially flavored drinks.
As far as exercise goes, it is also important to understand that the green drink does have some benefits, but the benefits are mostly related to helping speed up your metabolism. When you are working out, your body produces catechins, which speed up your metabolism and help you burn fat. By taking green tea, you can lower your fat production while increasing your calorie-burning rate. At the same time, when your body is working at full capacity, it produces more energy, which allows you to lose more weight. So, overall, you gain the health benefits of caffeine while losing fat.
Of course, this all comes down to eating right and doing the right things on a daily basis. Green tea is one of the smallest changes you can make to your daily diet that can really boost your weight loss efforts. Its powerful antioxidant properties help fight back against free radicals, which are one of the biggest culprits in fat-producing metabolic rate slowdown. In combination with a proper diet and exercise, this beverage can really help you burn fat and gain the weight loss and health benefits you've been looking for.
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